how to buy a good laser engraver?

how to buy a good laser engraver?

we hope this article can be helping more CO2 laser engraver cutter buyer to choose a good machine.

CO2 laser engraver cutter on the market of products is very large, there is the whole imported machines ,there is China 's self-designed production machines ,domestic assembly of imported parts in the machine ,a professional engraving machine, marking a professional , a professional cutting machine , there are two or more functions of the machine who is , then how to buy it?

1 service:
CO2 laser engraver cutter laser tube, reflective lenses are consumables, there is a certain life, after due for To replace .This requires manufacturers to provide a strong after-sales service guarantee , can provide these supplies timely.

(2) Product Quality:
Also is a CO2 laser engraver cutter, used parts is not the same , following are examples :
a) stepper motor : relationship to CO2 laser engraver cutter engraving precision, some manufacturers chose imported stepper motor , some joint venture plant health stepper motor , some no-name motor.
b) laser lens : relationship to power CO2 laser engraver cutter size of imported lenses , china lenses , china lens which was divided in two and the use of imported materials produced china material production , a large price gap , the use of effects and use life expectancy gap is also large.
c) laser tube: This is a CO2 laser engraver cutter heart. As the price of expensive imported laser tube , usually in a few million, so most china CO2 laser engraver cutter are used china laser tube. china laser tube is also good and bad, big price gap . Good laser tube life generally around 3000 hours .
d) mechanical assembly quality : some manufacturers to reduce costs , the use of thin metal shell making machine , users generally do not see , but over time, the frame will be deformed , affecting CO2 laser engraver cutter engraving accuracy. Good CO2 laser engraver cutter that uses frame structure, using high-quality steel welded and used to produce high-quality cold-rolled steel chassis . When users buy the machine to see whether the use of metal frame and chassis thickness , strength can be found in their quality .

3 machine features:
Some people familiar with the CO2 laser engraver cutter sigh , now CO2 laser engraver cutter configuration increases so much the price but decreased compared to previous years , how gratifying way . But once someone said , do not be intimidated those glossy external things , if compared to the reliability and easy maintenance services affordable to many new devices are smaller than in previous years, the "third kind " of. The author believes that users should pay more attention to CO2 laser engraver cutter for money, "Configuring moderate , moderate prices," the CO2 laser engraver cutter is our best option. Many users into a misunderstanding , I hope to buy a CO2 laser engraver cutter is a " versatile" and what can be done, omnipotent , this is actually much wrong. Here from the purchase CO2 laser engraver cutter uses, explain :
a) engraving rubber board for carton printing most CO2 laser engraver cutter can be used to carve a rubber plate , you do not need to select those numerous , very fast machine , because those numerous features you rarely does the ; engraving speed irrelevant , because the faster engraving rubber plate engraving depth can not meet the printing needs. Recommendation: buy suitable for carving rubber plate CO2 laser engraver cutter, cheap, fast return on investment.
b) carvings :
Most of the CO2 laser engraver cutter can be used to carving crafts, to be selected according to the requirements : carving bamboo , wood , trinkets : Choose small machines , such as 300X400 format , cheap , high precision carved wooden box , wine box : Select 400X600mm , 600x900mm format of the machine , and have a lifting platform, otherwise it will not fit into a long wooden box , carved bamboo , tea canister : Select 400X600mm, 600x900mm format of the machine , and have a lifting platform, and is equipped with rotary engraving device . Large carved wood engraving : Choose Select 600x900 format machine and requires lifting platform , and before the machine can pass material, such large-size wood carving can also ease. Making greeting cards : choose 500X700, 600x900 format of the machine , and have a cutting platform , cutting speed of the machine, otherwise the paper edges painted yellow.
c) cut acrylic sheet
Most of the CO2 laser engraver cutter can be used to cut acrylic sheet , but I suggest or choose a dedicated laser cutting machine , laser cutting machine is because for the optimal design of laser cutting , cutting effect is very good. If you still insist on buying an ordinary CO2 laser engraver cutter, it must have to choose a "knife bed" means CO2 laser engraver cutter. Remember: Do not believe what some manufacturers say 60w, 80w machines can cut 20mm thick acrylic, which is impossible , even if we manage to cut through , and that the cutting edge is also appalling . Normal values ​​: 60w CO2 laser engraver cutter can cut 8-10mm acrylic . 80w of CO2 laser engraver cutter can cut 8-15mm acrylic .
d) clothing, leather carving cutting, select cutting speed, and there are CO2 laser engraver cutter cutting cellular platform

Optional CO2 laser engraver cutter should be in accordance with its own production capacity and hardware facilities , the selection can satisfy the production tasks can cost models. Details should also be concerned about the performance and service equipment , and processing equipment to confirm the effect .

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