How to make acrylic LED signage

How to make acrylic LED signage. acrylic LED signage is worldly used a outdoor advertising for a company logo or outdoor signage. Acrylic signage word, also known as acrylic luminous characters, there is acrylic panels and LED lights consisting of acrylic word. Acrylic word in its styling points, there are three standard called a flat drum Word 2, Word 3 tip drum, drum circle word Other shapes basically from three kinds of evolution. for making acrylic signage firstly you need a cnc router cutting engraving machine. 2. must Ready for materails acrylic and color board. 3. use cnc router to cutting acrylic to be a words which you want to be . 3. and realdy a vacuum heatting machine. for vacuum the words as same size as cutted by cnc router. Read More New