how to make roll up standing For Advertising.

how to make roll up standing?

this article to let you know how to make indoor and outdoor roll up standing advertising and developments!

roll up standing for the promotion of sales of products produced plays an increasingly important role . During this time, in the past few years began . Application of UV printing technology to make those conservative offset market competitors far behind. According to equipment manufacturers in Europe are expected to : UV Factory sales increased almost twice . The annual growth rate will reach type will reach 70% UV curing device annual growth rate will reach 10% UV inks and coatings of the fastest growing . The U.S. market is at the cusp of the development . 14% of the world demand for UV printing are on the rise .

Packaging and printing industry spawned many successful enterprises story. The late 90s of last century , the United States. UV technology has been widely applied in the field of offset printing UV coating process for people to be on special substrates, with . Conservative mode to achieve a breakthrough design . Other categories of products soon imitate their example channel labels and firm. After roll up standing making use of UV inks, but also significant sales growth. Printing from time to time mining potential of technological innovation , to a large extent depend on many industries are trying to establish the brand and the luxury market on his degree was changed from his customer buying patterns . Today . Cheap products out of the cycle and the price war . UV technology experts, Heidelberg sheetfed America vice president of product marketing, explained John Devi status . Road . Special feeling when you touch the shiny gloss and UV printed on the validation of the word " good packaging is half sold " double-digit growth in worldwide demand for UV printing are on the rise . Application of UV printing technology sales increased almost twice . Currently more than 90% of sales of portable UV narrow glazing units. Heidelberg product manager in charge of peripherals · Kenuo Bo Si Yan said . Rotary flexographic printing press . roll up standing most of the production has a UV machine , Heidelberg printing presses in various format . This proportion will continue to grow in the future . Heidelberg has hybrid coating process also benefited from this trend in the U.S. market from . From the mid -1990s began . Especially commercial printing business preferences , device more than 40 sets of hybrid coating application process printing . Particularity of the U.S. market. Customers have the right to determine the mix of their choice ink lines fit glazing technology development prospects. However, this trend does not extend to the global market. In principle . When an enterprise has more than enough UV printing orders , the system.

Anyway. Choose carry UV coater presses definitely a wise move. Environmentally friendly UV printing believed to be detrimental to the environment and health in the past. This concept was prevalent in Europe , and now , these concerns have sank cloud Heidelberg victory develop safe for humans and the environment to ensure a high degree of scatter . And cooperation with the German printing and paper process safety and protection agencies. Eliminate harmful UV packaging material functions . For the development of inks and coatings are nervous manner. Now UV inks contain no solvents . Application of UV offset printing just as safe conservative . Kenuo Bo said. In fact , volatile and damage to the environment . Today . No longer need to significantly reduce printing supplies expenses. More businesses to pure morality dusting from the production environment and employees is a good thing . Heart and save money to find fun. The rapid development of the U.S. market in Heidelberg R & D team contributed to the light and say hybrid UV coating technology in the U.S. market, rapid application and dissemination . Heidelberg Exhibition Center in Chicago installed a Speedmaster CDl02 John Devi said. Drupa 1995 end . roll up standing production and , along with other suppliers and users , 6 + LYL Offset. Started to develop and explore the online appearance finishing processing techniques, such as light and UV coating applications on conservative water-based printing ink . The study results for the mixed ink ( ie, offset printing inks mixed in a conservative person about 25% UV inks ) laid the foundation for the development and use of Sacramento City , California , and later . Fang printing company and are produced with ink and drying equipment from two suppliers combined to study the interaction and impact of UV inks and coating process between production processes to . And achieved a major breakthrough.

An indoor and outdoor printer paper in a local neighborhood received a UV curing system configuration . Heidelberg realized that Goldberg speed presses on Pa CDl02 conducted a series of tests. Then in 1997 , some experiments and found that the occurrence of the future will be far-reaching impact of the printing industry . These novel processes Heidelberg printing press and the first melt is on display and demonstration in the United States . One. Heidelberg unveiled a special structure Speedmaster CDl02 six-color offset press, exhibition in Los Angeles . The aircraft carries a glazing unit , so you can freely adjust , two drying units ( infrared drying and hot air drying ) and a UV coater . UV lamps have multiple connection points . It has gloss, viscosity and other properties in the production to have a high flexibility . Such a configuration can be printed before the ink is irradiated with UV light . Vividly enough to play . roll up standing spared no effort to make Heidelberg USA UV coating technology to promote the development of the next few years . And it will continue to appear on the printed 1997 , 2001 and 2002 printing exhibition , the large exhibition industry . Users can feel the rapid development of UV technology . In addition, to ensure that the United States was informed technology printing companies can also send the famous Heidelberg Industry Association ( GATF and NAPL such cooperation . Heidelberg American companies produced a book called " beyond the horizon " album , show a trend for the first time . 2003 has a lot of use in which the show also has received a mixed style of the American printing industry to create a light and UV coating CLS effect of printing the book printing company who is Williamson because he invented the others think printing effects can never be achieved . "Bennie Awards . suitable for all customer groups that are enabled by the packaging industry special printing process has been widely used today in commercial, label and specialty printing and other fields . UV curing systems function increasingly the larger the offset printing ink and varnish from time to time to enhance the quality . makes UV printing more favored by the market . past and now you can get high-quality paper in one pass .

Today , many times it is difficult to take the paper even reworked to achieve satisfactory results. More and more U.S. business this strategy are to guide him to victory. On the other hand , printing companies with significant advantages UV print to attract customers. Market demand is not only a designer especially affected the supply factors. Those customers. When pursuing a naturalized appearance , they often tend to use non- UV coated paper printing process , John Xiao Devi Road . For example . Before the ink penetrates the paper fibers has been solidified , roll up standing then produced to show whether it is still clear and gorgeous color illustrations, a kind of high saturation and overall accuracy of the details of the results. Attracting people's attention on all printed materials leaving a silky sheen, hybrid and UV inks used in non- coated paper frequently. Occurred in the use of a new hybrid printing or UV printing process . At the same texture. Automotive pictures, business presentations and even paper manufacturer's product samples. Increase in the proportion of orders from time to time . UV printing inks in the United States is also a fashionable practice on plastic films and metal foils . Rapid ink drying device and the development of local markets every year UV inks and coatings consumption growth of around 15% have . This data is America's largest ink manufacturer statistics. But now it is almost 10 times by the word conservative offset printing ink consumables growth rate of the market . Hybrid inks were once regarded as short-lived. Also listed on the market , more and more respected field . There are many manufactured products, such as pearl luster effect inks, metallic inks and fluorescent inks. Obtain a steady growth. Market development of all major production curing equipment UV curing device is also leaps and bounds. And certain ancillary equipment market downturn compared . Including Heidelberg , IST companies, manufacturers.

Have been a large number of orders from the user group . In this case not only presents the user to purchase new equipment and more and more emphasis on printing companies tend to reflect the investment strategy of waiting . Reflect future business considerations and care of equipment production capacity Does this mean that every business should have its own printing UV printing ? Expert advice is that every business should be mixed to the UV light and know that it will for the enterprise invention certain market opportunities. Meanwhile, the polishing process understanding . Before investing UV coating process , companies need to determine whether to make the investment profitable enterprise . More in-depth understanding of the needs of its customers base. Today's customers are blue prints destined to be more dazzling than ever. From time to time the market and its production equipment to printing companies made ​​high demands . "roll up standing production and expect to take this stand out from the competition. Heidelberg Speedmaster CD74 outstanding gaze a function of light on the surface after finishing those prints . makes printing easy to face a variety of special glazing and exterior finishing process, the medium-format offset press , even when in the depressed market , but also for enterprises to win a clear competitive advantage .

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