what is a outdoor Banner Vinyl printer?

what is a outdoor Banner Vinyl printer?

if you want to know what is outdoor banner printer,so firstly you must know what is different indoor printer and outdoor printer.follows information i hope can help you know indoor and outdoor printer.

what is the difference between outdoor advertising printing and indoor advertising printing ? In fact, both of which are large format printer uses according to classification.
First, let's understand the difference between lower advertising and advertising productions , there are indoor advertising indoor advertising and outdoor advertising that is both .

1 . Indoor advertising printer , advertising in general is close , and the clarity of its images will generally require a high point , so a closer look , there will be no visual aesthetic problem .

2 indoor advertising printer , avoid sun drying , erosion and other problems caused by the advertising image color , ink fading and other issues.
The outdoor advertising, because it is rack outdoors , in the open space may be prolonged sun and rain , so the outdoor advertising medium , the ink used aspects of the image has also been requested , but outdoor advertising , images are generally in remote viewing , so do not ask for the clarity of the image , such as a .
By the distinction between the above two indoor and outdoor advertising , below we can see above, the difference between the two areas separate outdoor and indoor inkjet printer inkjet printer : indoor and outdoor inkjet printer inks are not interchangeable. Outdoor photo machine is weak dissolve inks must be within the exclusive indoor and outdoor sprinklers can be used. The indoor photo machine using water-based inks , for indoor use . Real difference lies in the sun, the indoor pictures are not the sun , over time color .
Outdoor pictures now become mainstream , because the market demand, and now advertisers on screen printing and photo required accuracy and sunscreen , Japan Roland customer requirements for the Asian region , the new Roland pictures are outdoor and indoor common models, which can be when used in the ordinary household articles may also be used for outdoor portrait . Dual-use . And outdoor pictures , particularly the available materials , such as inkjet printers use inkjet cloth , car stickers can be used. But within the current processing than the price of household confidential twice .

3,indoor printer and outdoor printer ink difference.
  indoor printer used water-based ink or pigment ink , this ink can wash and Durability is not strong. can not put to outdoor, if put to outdoor,so the color will be out within 2month..
  outdoor printer used eco solvent ink or solvent ink, this ink can not be washed and Durability can be more 2 year for puting to outdoor.

4.indoor printer and outdoor printer technology differnce.
  indoor printer head technology is Thermal.
  outdoor printer head technology is Piezoelectric...

5.indoor printer and outdoor printer printing media diference
  indoor printer can only printing indoor water based media 
  outdoor printer can printing all indoor and outdoor Durability media.

6.indoor printer and outdoor printer machine price difference.
  indor printer price can be 700USD-1500USD with different model.
  outdoor printer price must be 1500USD-10000USD with different model.

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