eco solvent printer in printing flex banner billboard

eco solvent printer in printing flex banner billboard.

flex banner is a material used for outdoor advertising. Printing cloth making simple, lightweight, color and other characteristics of the abundance blessing our customers get the favorite in the advertising industry is also indispensable.
these outdoor flex banner is only for eco solvent printer or solvent printer used a advertising outdoor media.

Eco solvent printer for printing advertising inkjet market is mainly used in: Cross Road and Bridge billboard, lamp post flag, the flag column roads, site surrounded advertisement, building construction frame ads, Optimus Prime billboards, light boxes, advertising stickers, vehicle advertising, tree screen Advertising.

now we are talking about the eco solvent printer for printing flex banner billboards Feature:

1 few years ago, at the door of the first cities and towns nationwide have become all-acrylic plastic characters, market blister machine, engraving machine sales are very popular, the streets were pressed grams strength plastic characters, not only unsightly not say, but acrylic plastic characters manufacturing process is very complex, cost is not the end, even more serious is that it is not environmentally friendly. Click here to say the concept of environmental protection, which includes three levels of meaning: It is not harmful to humans, can degrade in the natural environment, the natural resources, especially less consumption of non-renewable resources, at least two in the back pressure g force is non-compliant. The cloth material is different, compared to other advertising media, some to be more environmentally friendly.

2. lightweight easy to fold bad, easy to carry; largest specialty fabric is lightweight, of course, gum, paper, PP material (one paper) is also very lightweight, but very fabric folding, which is not available in the former, Volume Ye Hao, Ye Hao fold, there will not be a big crease, on this point is very important in terms of the advertising supplies, and roll up or fold up can take away, greatly reducing transport costs, more important yes, folding the material can be reused, re-use is an environmental philosophy.

3. application flexible and diversified; Ren Xing soft cloth and engage in tensile strength do not have any other material because it gently, can be made into banners; because it ventilate, so it can be made to hang the flag pole; since it naturally sagging, can be made banners; because it is not reflective, you can do conference stage background; since it resistant to stretching, can be stretched on a frame tied to the use of arbitrary shape ......, and then the total, it can be said that almost anything .

4. aesthetically beautiful; colorful screen printing on fabric after, plus it can also not reflective natural sag, it does give a special advertising inkjet beauty. Many viewers see a beautiful pattern in the first reaction is, when approached to touch it, and cloth material, the feeling is definitely feels much better than the banner, it is more natural, no artificial light box cloth as sense, this makes a wonderful produce between advertisers with interactive effects, advertising effectiveness will be greatly different from his.

Finally :
eco solvent printing equipment for printing outdoor flex billboard banner is a larger business for running a advertising signs business.

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