what eco solvent ink good for Cartridge printhead?

what eco solvent ink good for Cartridge printhead.

good Eco-solvent ink can reduce Cartridge print head blocking.so do you know how to choose good Eco solvent ink for your DX5 DX6 DX7 Head printer?
follows we are talking about good eco solvent ink feature!

Eco-solvent inks on some material can be done free coating printing, the printer uses heat or other means can be done free coating, but for some of the smooth surface, the ink alone is powerless, the ink will be stacked together, not clear image. Then it must be used with special coating solution, the three major advantages of using the coating:
1. fast drying, coated with a special chemical raw materials preparation, and with the use of low-solvent inks, the printing is completed within a minute or dry, especially on such a relatively smooth as glass material reflects the most obvious.
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2. better printing quality direct printing no using the coating material in some of the main points is smooth non-absorbent material, less effective, and after the use of the coating effect is extraordinary.
3.  wear-resistant, waterproof coating ingredients because there are components of the adhesive, so adsorption ink after printing is complete and the material is very close, far more than the degree of wear-resistant coatings without state many times. Eco-solvent inks have some of the advantages of various types of ink, is a very wide applicability of the product.

Application Materials:
Wood, crystal, PVC, PE, PP, ABS, acrylic, plastic, stone, leather, stickers, rubber, 
CD, sticky notes, light box cloth, glass, ceramics, metals, materials like paper.
Application machine:
Roland printer,Mutoh printer,pizeo head printer,DX5 DX6 DX7 head printer,mimaki printer.and more.

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