Plasma flame cutting machines operating procedures

Plasma flame cutting machines operating procedures.

Because the plasma flame cutting machines this ad equipment prices compared to other cutting machine price is relatively affordable, so it can be widely used in the advertising industry, and structural performance characteristics, such as plasma flame cutting machine for cutting and the other has some great difference, so the operator uses plasma cutting machines necessary formal operations Affairs, otherwise easily damage the machine.
Its plasma flame cutting machine is mainly divided into formal operation process the following steps:
1, the operator must follow the requirements of safety and technical training specially made ​​special operations qualifications in order to operate alone posts.
2, the operator must strictly comply with the general welders, manual welding (cutting) work safety rules and related rubber hoses, oxygen bottles, various rules of safe use of gas cylinders and industrial cutting torch safe operation rules.
3, before the work is good work must wear protective equipment, protective glasses must be worn when operating.
4, should be checked before power on the machine around near the rail on both sides if there is debris, are not allowed within 10 meters of flammable items (including dish flammable gases produced gas pipelines), used in gas supply, water supply, power is in normal working condition. Check the ground loose with machine-related, each cable connector socket is intact. Check the cylinder and rubber hose fittings, valves and fasteners should be securely fastened, not allowed to have loose, damaged and air leaks, check the rack and bed rails. Check the torch consumables and collision avoidance device.
5, after starting the machine body and limbs are not allowed to touch the machine moving parts to avoid injury, maintenance of equipment should be carried off parking.
6, prohibit the use of tools with oil, gloves and other contact with oxygen bottles and accessories, valves, rubber hose. Prohibit the use of the tool is easy to produce sparks or open a bottle of oxygen acetylene gas valve.
7, if unexpected power outage occurs, turn off the main power switch should be timely.
8, cylinders or pipes freeze bus is prohibited with fire or use percussion instruments, oxygen valve or pipe is available 40 ℃ melting temperature, direct sunlight cylinders measures should be prevented.
9, the boot should manually low x, y direction starting the machine, check to make sure whether the abnormal situation.
10, manual lifting torch to check whether the abnormal movements.
11, the plasma generator is started, the air pressure adjustment to the material thickness.
12, the cutting process, the observed increase in the system and dust removal system is working properly, there is an exception should immediately stop processing, troubleshooting.
13, the machine is running, the operator should stick to their posts, and pay attention to the machine operating conditions, such as in case of an emergency situation should be dealt with immediately, to ensure safe operation. Prohibited the use of ultra-performance cutting machines.
14, prohibiting the demolition automatic ignition control device charged to prevent high voltage electric shock. Always check whether the bare plasma cable breakage, should replace the cable off.
15, prohibit the rail surface cutting machine, face paint surface to place metal items and above shall beat, straightening and repair parts.
16, after the entry of a new part program, you should first test run, and check its operation, confirmation and then put into operation.
17, when the police and other unexpected failure occurs during operation, use the pause button to stop running, and then make the appropriate action processing. Should try to avoid using the emergency stop button.
18, lifting the workpiece should work closely with the road, taking care to avoid a collision with the device hanging objects, to comply with "lifting, Porter" in safety procedures when loading and unloading.
19, before work shutdown, the system should be returned to the main menu operation, the torch up to the highest position of each control switch should be reset. Power off the system, then turn off the main power, turn off the gas supply, water supply, check the control handle is in the closed position, verify and correct before leaving. And should be checked and cleaned the site, to leave after the extinction of the fire.

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