what is a plotter for printing outdoor billboard posters

what is a plotter for printing outdoor billboard posters

printing for outdoor billboard poster is a plotter which can printing large width, and no limited length for roll by roll printing.

also these printer good use for all advertising company or shop/

now we are talking about these plotter printer in follows.

outdoor billboard poster also called eco solvent outdoor printer in the advertising business line.

1.8M Best Brand DX5 head eco solvent printer
1. High resolution.
Using Epson DX5 print head, including 180 nozzles / row *8 lines , the nozzles is four times than before, high output quality up to 1440dpi.
2. High speed.
The staggered arrangement of the print heads significantly improve the productivity! the speed to be 17m 2 /H in 4 pass.
3. High printing quality.
The new variable droplet control technology achieve the three grayscale to make the printing more delicate & accurate. Can output the perfect printing with VSD technology even though in high speedor low resolution cases.
4. Three smart heaters of front,middle and back.
The heaters can be controlled separately to heat the media to be appropriate temperature to order to improve the absorption of ink. Front heater can reduce the drying time and increase the speed of collecting paper.
5. The automatic damper take-up system.
Worry-free when printing long chart. The automatic media take-up device synchronize the rolling collection can avoid the step or offset problems. And the width of media can reach 1.85 meters.
6. Adjustable print head height to adapt more different media.
The height of print head can be adjustable according to the thickness of media from 1.5mm to 8mm to ensure the good spray quality.
7. Using the well-known HAVIN brand rails.
To ensure the movement of carrier be more stable, longer life and quieter 

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