what are the Application about UV flatbed printer.

what are the Application about UV flatbed printer.

UV flatbed printer also called universal printer which can print on almost all flatbed materials, such as metal, glass, acrylic, crystal, plastic, ceramic, leather, wood, paper etc.
The digital universal printer compared with other printing machinery, it more professional, more stable and the price is lower.

Applicable industries:
The glass industry. Glass is one of the most difficult printing material for its smooth surface.the printing process is very tedious,it need to put the coating before printing, after printing the glass need to special treatment to ensure the print effect is bright.But for the uv flatbed printer,it no need for coating, greatly reduce the cost and reduce the bad product.
Ceramic tile industry. Due to the special for the ceramic tile, printing on the ceramic is  also very difficult  in printing industry,water proof, scratch-resistant is fantasy by all the customers.The printing effect for the UV flatbed printer is more exquisite with its high resolution.

The phone cover. The phone cover is more and more fashionable with the mobile phone's popular. UV printer can print embossing picture,the white ink and color ink can print at once.This relief phone cover will be more popular in the feature.
Leather industry.Printing on leather is also a big problem in leather printing industry, because the leather has stretchability, the printed picture are not so perfect after stretching. UV flat-panel printers can solve this problem, can print out the pictures with high quality no matter how you stretch.

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