Cheap Cost INQI Digital Printing machine DX5 DX7 XP600

INQI Digital Printing Machine Detailed Price Information.

China INQI Digital Printing machine are widely supplying for UV Printer,eco solvent printer,Sublimation Plotter . Usb Driver Download ,Service support.
INQI Digital Printer

INQI Digital Printer Advanced Price and Specification.

1. The highest printing quality of INQI Digital Printer is composed of 3 different sizes of dots, and it can achieve very good printing quality even in color mode.

2. Support the direct output of color CAD, customers can have family photo output equipment at the same time, but also have color image output equipment, which is conducive to the promotion and promotion of user enterprises.

3. INQI Printer has automatic seamless splicing: completely realizes the seamless splicing of fixed nets and infinitely long spliced ​​nets for continuous printing.

4. INQI Printer has a three-stage heating system: the front, middle, and back three stages of the automatic intelligent heating system, precise temperature control, make the ink and printing media full and soft, and fully display the bright colors of the ink.

5. INQI Printer ink density: users can adjust the density according to the environment in which the machine is used and the characteristics of a variety of inks to prevent the impact of new inks on the environment

6. INQI lifting maintenance station, convenient and accurate positioning, automatic nozzle maintenance, so that the nozzle is always in the best condition, independent research and development board: the machine automatically stops printing ink.

7. Brushless DC motor: The brushless DC motor drives the trolley, which not only guarantees high-precision printing, but also reflects the long life of the motor, and the motion system is more stable and durable.

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